Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!!! A few days late...

Ah, a new year...what wonderful things will this one bring?  I've been so lazy the last few weeks and haven't posted a thing.  My readers (mom & dad...I still thank you for being my number one fans) have been having withdrawals, right?  Okay, maybe not.

So, new year means resolutions and new beginnings, correct?  I have always been an opponent of resolutions, since most of them never actually came to any sort of fruition.  Then I realized that in my post NYE haze, I had probably resolved to do things that may not actually be feasible for one woman to do.  Last year, I actually made a list of things to "resolve" to do and I'm going to go back through that list now to see what if any things actually were accomplished. (These are being copied from my Color Note app that has been on my phone since last year).

1.  Get in shape!!  Eat better!!!!
Done.  However, I have made a huge slide backwards and will begin again.  I feel that I can say "accomplished" as I did not specify how long I had to stay in shape or eat better.  I will make more rigid standards this year.

2.  More fashion!!
Also done.  I tossed many outfits not worn for years and almost everything that screamed 1990's or prior, although I'm sure that nonsense will come back.  I also decided that I needed to look more updated and less frumpy for work.  Scarves, wedges, boots, and leggings have made an appearance in my wardrobe choices.  

3.  Less procrastination.
I'll address that later.  Ha ha ha.  I'm not sure if I do it less or less vocally.  I'll have to revisit that one later.  Obviously, not complete.

4.  Learn to do makeup and hair.
Huh.  I learned to use liquid eyeliner.  My hair is straight.  Not successful.

5.  Organized at school.
Two words:  in progress.  That's really a hard one.  Okay, see #3 again.

6.  No overdraft fees at the bank.
Cheerfully, I can say DONE!!!!!  We accomplished that!!

7.  Save $1200 by December.
Also DONE!!!!  So, this one and number 6 were very important and probably carry more weight than most of the others.  Don't need to put them on this year's list, but I might.  Might make me more accountable.  

8.  Finish project & idea books.
See #3.

9.  Greener.
I was greener than in previous years.  I'll chalk it up in the win category.

10.  Listen more.
Also, in progress.  This is hard for me sometimes...

11.  Tech savvy.
I got an iPad for Christmas.  I feel a little more Techalicious!

12.  Book a month.
This took off like gang busters, especially since I started the Hunger Games in January.  We lost steam in March.  back on the list.

13.  Blog current.
No words necessary here.

14.  Stay motivated to work out and run.
Two sides here.  Did very well the first 4 months of the year.  Got sidelined in May with an injury, but made a comeback in September.  Short lived, as the eating and not staying fit went to pot.  This goes back on the list!

So, there you have it.

This year?  Let's see...

1.  Get BACK in shape!!! Eat better and keep doing those things that keep me healthy!!  Stay motivated to run and stay in shape.   I might just chronicle my progress here, so that might keep me a bit more accountable.

2.  Get at least 6 races in this year.  One half marathon. ( I may regret this one later.)

3.  Do something different with my hair at least once a week.  Yes, seems like a stupid thing to "resolve" to do, but I'm getting bored with the hair situation already.  Scissors are looking good right about now.

4.  Save $1200 by December 2013.  This came in handy at Christmas this year!

5.  Earn enough money with crafty things to buy the unnecessary items in life.  By unnecessary, I mean things like nail polish (to which I am addicted), magazines, yard sale treasures, and the like.

6.  Get organized at school.  Maybe I should be more specific.  Organize all of my tests, answer keys, and masters.

7.  Finish one idea book.  I'm going to go with the project book.  That will lead me to Resolution #8.

8.  Finish at least one project a month.  Not including things that need to be fixed or headbands.  I think what this one actually boils down to, is giving myself some free time to do whatever.  I seriously don't ever take any time just for me and the tings I like to do.

9.  Read a book a month.  This is being added again.

10.  Get more familiar with current politics.  While this sort of thing bores me to no end, I feel out of the loop sometimes and I really think I might pay attention to people's conversations more if I had some idea what the #$%$#@! they were talking about.

11.  Blog current.

12.  Keep my classroom website current!  I'm soooo bad about this.

13.  Get up after the first snooze.  No more massive snooze button smashings!

So there they are.  The resolutions for 2013.  And here we go!!!!!!

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