Okay, it's probably more like take 5, but I'll pretend it's only take 2. Ha!!
Today I weighed in at 151.6. I want to be at 145 by Spring Break. I also want to be able to run a half marathon in November. Sccccrrreeeeeeeeeccchhh!!! Whaaaatt??!! Yes, said HALF MARATHON. Yes, me.
Here is the plan fr the next month:
Week of January 28th: Eat low calorie meals (this is hard...I'm doing the summer plan and I'm already hungry, grumpy, and consumed so many vegetables and water, I nearly used my "one" for the year.) Start slow, but do some cardio (running and some other easier stuff) and some core training.
Week of February 4th: Eat low calorie meals. Hopefully I'v not killed anyone by this time. Increase running and continue core exercises. Add in lunges and squats.
Week of February 11th and 18th: Continue above, but add in abs and arm exercises. I will be at 6th grade camp the 20th-22nd. That will be hard to maintain the food portion, although I'm going to pack as much as I can and just stick with the salad bar up there. We will be busy from sup up to sun down, so hopefully that will suffice in the cardio area.
Week of February 25th: Be running 2.5- 3 miles by this week without stopping, coughing, or passing out. :)
I will chronicle the good, the bad, and the ugly from here on out.
On a New Year's Resolution note: I have done my hair differently one day each week for the last 3 weeks!! Progress! I have also dressed less like a 90 year old woman and have actually looked cute the last few days. Not trying to impress anyone, but certainly don't need to be looking 90!! I'll post some pictures tomorrow.
Monday, January 28, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
85% and holding...
Okay, so this nasty crud I managed to infect myself with some weeks ago, is finally starting to bid adieu to my body. The only lingering issue is the stupid cough that I fear is going to stick around until June. Hoping it goes away before then, but history has proven that coughs like to hang out. Ugh!!
So this weekend should prove to be a big project weekend! I'm hoping to get the spare room cleaned up and painted. I have been trying to do this for several months now, but there has been a steady stream of house guests and pests. I also want to get the hallway photos up and some things up on the walls in our bedroom. I have been trying to make a list of things to do, but I keep getting sidetracked and think of other things to do. There's so much!
Here's what I have so far:
Clean both refrigerators
Clean both showers and the tub
Paint the spare room
Pictures in the hallway
Clean and organize the laundry room. I might even put up the border I bought like 3 years ago!
Derrel's-this will be a fun project. I really need to empty the storage unit out and then repack it all.
Clean out the craft cupboard
I also would like to make my sewing machine functional again, so that might be a project too.
I have a feeling that I'm going to run out of time and motivation. I also want to do some Pinterest projects and maybe get some of the cool wine bottle lights made. Too much? Probably! We'll see...
So this weekend should prove to be a big project weekend! I'm hoping to get the spare room cleaned up and painted. I have been trying to do this for several months now, but there has been a steady stream of house guests and pests. I also want to get the hallway photos up and some things up on the walls in our bedroom. I have been trying to make a list of things to do, but I keep getting sidetracked and think of other things to do. There's so much!
Here's what I have so far:
Clean both refrigerators
Clean both showers and the tub
Paint the spare room
Pictures in the hallway
Clean and organize the laundry room. I might even put up the border I bought like 3 years ago!
Derrel's-this will be a fun project. I really need to empty the storage unit out and then repack it all.
Clean out the craft cupboard
I also would like to make my sewing machine functional again, so that might be a project too.
I have a feeling that I'm going to run out of time and motivation. I also want to do some Pinterest projects and maybe get some of the cool wine bottle lights made. Too much? Probably! We'll see...
Monday, January 14, 2013
It's Monday again and the weekend seems like it was forever ago. Maybe that's because it was ridiculously short. Okay, technically, the weekend was the same number of hours as always, but I spent 7 hours Saturday sitting in a gym watching other people's kids wrestle. While this is usually a somewhat fun event, I wasn't feeling up to it after the flu shenanigans last week. I did get to sit with two very good friends of mine. Really hoping their immune systems are up to par.
70% That's how well I feel right now. 70% of my body says its okay. 20% says that it might start feeling better soon and 10% is still secretly wishing for imminent death.
I do have some good news for this week though. Despite my best efforts (eating Panda for dinner, chicken covered in cheese, and pasta drowning in cheese sauce), I lost 5 pounds!!!!!! Hoo-rah!!! I guess there are a few benefits associated with having a raging fever, followed by severe chills, congestion of every imaginable area, etc.
So, next weekend is going to be a big project weekend!!! While I will miss Husband (he will be shooting duckies), I have three glorious days to get some things done around the house and get some Pintesting done!!!! More details to follow this week. I have to go through and choose what I want to try. :)
Right now, however, all I want to accomplish is a good night's sleep. Hopefully tonight.
70% That's how well I feel right now. 70% of my body says its okay. 20% says that it might start feeling better soon and 10% is still secretly wishing for imminent death.
I do have some good news for this week though. Despite my best efforts (eating Panda for dinner, chicken covered in cheese, and pasta drowning in cheese sauce), I lost 5 pounds!!!!!! Hoo-rah!!! I guess there are a few benefits associated with having a raging fever, followed by severe chills, congestion of every imaginable area, etc.
So, next weekend is going to be a big project weekend!!! While I will miss Husband (he will be shooting duckies), I have three glorious days to get some things done around the house and get some Pintesting done!!!! More details to follow this week. I have to go through and choose what I want to try. :)
Right now, however, all I want to accomplish is a good night's sleep. Hopefully tonight.
Friday, January 11, 2013
Dear flu,
Dear flu,
You are no longer welcome at my house. The barrage of medication you are forcing me to inflict on my body is absurd. See photo below. Now my son is sick and that makes me sad. Hopefully,the rest of the family avoids you. Boo flu!!!!
You are no longer welcome at my house. The barrage of medication you are forcing me to inflict on my body is absurd. See photo below. Now my son is sick and that makes me sad. Hopefully,the rest of the family avoids you. Boo flu!!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2013
So much for New Year's resolution of keeping blog current. Sidelined already. Boo! Terrible flu. I haven't ached or felt this miserable and feverish for many years. Ugh! I know I'm sick as I used two days of sick time and actually was sick. Is that bad? Well, I plan to go to work tomorrow, although I have no idea what we are going to be doing. Wish me luck! Now I'm going to bed. Good night!
Oh, Husband got me these get well flowers...I think they're working. :)
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
Sick. Yep, I'm sick. Boo!!!! Woke up in the middle of the night with a sore throat and I assumed it was because I was snoring. Yes, I snore. Then an hour before I got up, I could tell that the entire right side of my head was stuffed up. Need to go to work, so I bucked up and took some Sudafed, Mucinex DM, and am now actively searching for some ibuprofen. I might have a fever (it could be my new fisherman sweater-stylish!) and I am ridiculously sore!
Note to self: When I decide to get in shape, it doesn't have to be all in one day. I did an abbreviated arm workout yesterday morning (workout to follow) and then went to the fitness room after practice yesterday. I got on the treadmill, thinking I would walk/jog a mile or so. I did more "so". I ended up running two miles and I blame a fellow employee. I was about to quit at a mile (I was running a 10.5 minute mile), and a lady known for her running abilities came in and got on a neighboring treadmill. She started out walking, but soon got her machine humming away. Ugh! I hate peer pressure! I upped my speed and ran another mile. Felt great afterwards, although extremely sweaty and gross. That's what happens when you get lazy and eat bad things for several weeks. Oh and drink lots of wine and other deliciousness. Yeah, for Christmas, I got fat. (Stolen from Pinterest).
Today, I feel awful and the 200 ab exercises I did this morning are not helping. I know that the end results will be fabulous, but in the mean time, I feel bleah! The ab exercises are really good, but man they make you feel like you've been kicked in the gut!
Here are the arm exercises:
10 pushups
20 dips (omg...I pooped out after 15)
30 bicep curls
40 seconds plank
50 knee tucks
40 seconds plank
30 bicep curls
20 dips (I skipped this)
10 pushups (I did 20 of those instead)
The abs workout is from Pinterest. I'll see if I can find it and attach it here.
On a side note, I was wondering what all the hooplah was about the show Downtown Abbey. I decided to check it out. I signed up for a free 30 day trial of Netflix, so I can watch them all at lunch time at school. I watched the first episode today and I think I like it. Seems a little soap opera-ish, but with some period influence (the opening episode takes place immediately after the Titanic sinks) and an interesting cast of characters so far. Tomorrow, episode 2.
That's it for now. I feel like death and it does not suit me at all.
Monday, January 7, 2013
Happy New Year!!! A few days late...
Ah, a new year...what wonderful things will this one bring? I've been so lazy the last few weeks and haven't posted a thing. My readers (mom & dad...I still thank you for being my number one fans) have been having withdrawals, right? Okay, maybe not.
So, new year means resolutions and new beginnings, correct? I have always been an opponent of resolutions, since most of them never actually came to any sort of fruition. Then I realized that in my post NYE haze, I had probably resolved to do things that may not actually be feasible for one woman to do. Last year, I actually made a list of things to "resolve" to do and I'm going to go back through that list now to see what if any things actually were accomplished. (These are being copied from my Color Note app that has been on my phone since last year).
1. Get in shape!! Eat better!!!!
Done. However, I have made a huge slide backwards and will begin again. I feel that I can say "accomplished" as I did not specify how long I had to stay in shape or eat better. I will make more rigid standards this year.
2. More fashion!!
Also done. I tossed many outfits not worn for years and almost everything that screamed 1990's or prior, although I'm sure that nonsense will come back. I also decided that I needed to look more updated and less frumpy for work. Scarves, wedges, boots, and leggings have made an appearance in my wardrobe choices.
3. Less procrastination.
I'll address that later. Ha ha ha. I'm not sure if I do it less or less vocally. I'll have to revisit that one later. Obviously, not complete.
4. Learn to do makeup and hair.
Huh. I learned to use liquid eyeliner. My hair is straight. Not successful.
5. Organized at school.
Two words: in progress. That's really a hard one. Okay, see #3 again.
6. No overdraft fees at the bank.
Cheerfully, I can say DONE!!!!! We accomplished that!!
7. Save $1200 by December.
Also DONE!!!! So, this one and number 6 were very important and probably carry more weight than most of the others. Don't need to put them on this year's list, but I might. Might make me more accountable.
8. Finish project & idea books.
See #3.
9. Greener.
I was greener than in previous years. I'll chalk it up in the win category.
10. Listen more.
Also, in progress. This is hard for me sometimes...
11. Tech savvy.
I got an iPad for Christmas. I feel a little more Techalicious!
12. Book a month.
This took off like gang busters, especially since I started the Hunger Games in January. We lost steam in March. back on the list.
13. Blog current.
No words necessary here.
14. Stay motivated to work out and run.
Two sides here. Did very well the first 4 months of the year. Got sidelined in May with an injury, but made a comeback in September. Short lived, as the eating and not staying fit went to pot. This goes back on the list!
So, there you have it.
This year? Let's see...
1. Get BACK in shape!!! Eat better and keep doing those things that keep me healthy!! Stay motivated to run and stay in shape. I might just chronicle my progress here, so that might keep me a bit more accountable.
2. Get at least 6 races in this year. One half marathon. ( I may regret this one later.)
3. Do something different with my hair at least once a week. Yes, seems like a stupid thing to "resolve" to do, but I'm getting bored with the hair situation already. Scissors are looking good right about now.
4. Save $1200 by December 2013. This came in handy at Christmas this year!
5. Earn enough money with crafty things to buy the unnecessary items in life. By unnecessary, I mean things like nail polish (to which I am addicted), magazines, yard sale treasures, and the like.
6. Get organized at school. Maybe I should be more specific. Organize all of my tests, answer keys, and masters.
7. Finish one idea book. I'm going to go with the project book. That will lead me to Resolution #8.
8. Finish at least one project a month. Not including things that need to be fixed or headbands. I think what this one actually boils down to, is giving myself some free time to do whatever. I seriously don't ever take any time just for me and the tings I like to do.
9. Read a book a month. This is being added again.
10. Get more familiar with current politics. While this sort of thing bores me to no end, I feel out of the loop sometimes and I really think I might pay attention to people's conversations more if I had some idea what the #$%$#@! they were talking about.
11. Blog current.
12. Keep my classroom website current! I'm soooo bad about this.
13. Get up after the first snooze. No more massive snooze button smashings!
So there they are. The resolutions for 2013. And here we go!!!!!!
So, new year means resolutions and new beginnings, correct? I have always been an opponent of resolutions, since most of them never actually came to any sort of fruition. Then I realized that in my post NYE haze, I had probably resolved to do things that may not actually be feasible for one woman to do. Last year, I actually made a list of things to "resolve" to do and I'm going to go back through that list now to see what if any things actually were accomplished. (These are being copied from my Color Note app that has been on my phone since last year).
1. Get in shape!! Eat better!!!!
Done. However, I have made a huge slide backwards and will begin again. I feel that I can say "accomplished" as I did not specify how long I had to stay in shape or eat better. I will make more rigid standards this year.
2. More fashion!!
Also done. I tossed many outfits not worn for years and almost everything that screamed 1990's or prior, although I'm sure that nonsense will come back. I also decided that I needed to look more updated and less frumpy for work. Scarves, wedges, boots, and leggings have made an appearance in my wardrobe choices.
3. Less procrastination.
I'll address that later. Ha ha ha. I'm not sure if I do it less or less vocally. I'll have to revisit that one later. Obviously, not complete.
4. Learn to do makeup and hair.
Huh. I learned to use liquid eyeliner. My hair is straight. Not successful.
5. Organized at school.
Two words: in progress. That's really a hard one. Okay, see #3 again.
6. No overdraft fees at the bank.
Cheerfully, I can say DONE!!!!! We accomplished that!!
7. Save $1200 by December.
Also DONE!!!! So, this one and number 6 were very important and probably carry more weight than most of the others. Don't need to put them on this year's list, but I might. Might make me more accountable.
8. Finish project & idea books.
See #3.
9. Greener.
I was greener than in previous years. I'll chalk it up in the win category.
10. Listen more.
Also, in progress. This is hard for me sometimes...
11. Tech savvy.
I got an iPad for Christmas. I feel a little more Techalicious!
12. Book a month.
This took off like gang busters, especially since I started the Hunger Games in January. We lost steam in March. back on the list.
13. Blog current.
No words necessary here.
14. Stay motivated to work out and run.
Two sides here. Did very well the first 4 months of the year. Got sidelined in May with an injury, but made a comeback in September. Short lived, as the eating and not staying fit went to pot. This goes back on the list!
So, there you have it.
This year? Let's see...
1. Get BACK in shape!!! Eat better and keep doing those things that keep me healthy!! Stay motivated to run and stay in shape. I might just chronicle my progress here, so that might keep me a bit more accountable.
2. Get at least 6 races in this year. One half marathon. ( I may regret this one later.)
3. Do something different with my hair at least once a week. Yes, seems like a stupid thing to "resolve" to do, but I'm getting bored with the hair situation already. Scissors are looking good right about now.
4. Save $1200 by December 2013. This came in handy at Christmas this year!
5. Earn enough money with crafty things to buy the unnecessary items in life. By unnecessary, I mean things like nail polish (to which I am addicted), magazines, yard sale treasures, and the like.
6. Get organized at school. Maybe I should be more specific. Organize all of my tests, answer keys, and masters.
7. Finish one idea book. I'm going to go with the project book. That will lead me to Resolution #8.
8. Finish at least one project a month. Not including things that need to be fixed or headbands. I think what this one actually boils down to, is giving myself some free time to do whatever. I seriously don't ever take any time just for me and the tings I like to do.
9. Read a book a month. This is being added again.
10. Get more familiar with current politics. While this sort of thing bores me to no end, I feel out of the loop sometimes and I really think I might pay attention to people's conversations more if I had some idea what the #$%$#@! they were talking about.
11. Blog current.
12. Keep my classroom website current! I'm soooo bad about this.
13. Get up after the first snooze. No more massive snooze button smashings!
So there they are. The resolutions for 2013. And here we go!!!!!!
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