The beginning of the week seems so long ago, but Husband went duck hunting for that first weekend and I got myself super busy! I finally got to paint our bedroom. I've had the paint for over 6 months, but never got more than a day to get it done. The Fish helped me by moving all the furniture into the center of the room and taking everything off of the walls before I got home. She was a bit concerned as the safe is wicked heavy and she couldn't move that. We just didn't paint behind there. Oh well, when we move, we'll touch up back there. She was a bog help and between the two of us wielding paint rollers, we managed to get the painting done in less than two hours. The color I chose is called Hemp, but it matches the dried grass color in Max-4, which is what our bedding is. Room painted, check. Furniture cleaned, check. Dust doggies (ew!) cleaned, check! The only thing I haven't done is put anything back on the walls. I want to make/get a headboard, but want something that fits in. Fish suggested duck blind material, but that might be going a bit overboard on the theme. Once I get that idea in place, I'll put the stuff back on the walls. I've got an idea for the plates. We have 5 duck plates that were hung really stupidly on the wall (I'm guilty). They have bugged us since I first hung them up, but we haven't bothered to take them down until now. I'm going to have to find a picture of them. They looked really bad. Actually, all the walls looked really bad. We just sort of hung things up haphazardly. I'll post some before and after pics, if I can find the before pics.
Here is one. This one shows the retarded placement of the plates. What was I thinking? Or drinking?
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Plates akimbo! |
In the midst of all the painting, cleaning, and other fun, I had my headbands to sell at a Christmas boutique. I have never participated in those prior to this year. The last one I did got me about $30, so I was skeptical about this one as well. I ended up walking out with $200, plus another $100 in orders. Not too bad for four hours of standing around being pleasant. I have another this Saturday and am hoping to do about the same there.
Husband got lots of hunting in this week, which meant that I got lots of projects done. :) I cleaned out the dressers in the bedroom, refolded all of Husband's t-shirts (I swear he has a hundred of them), refolded all of my t-shirts, sweats, and sweatshirts, cleaned out the underbed storage boxes, and did every liece of laundry that I found. Thank you Jetta for putting so many pairs of socks and other assorted clothing under the bed. Speaking of Jetta, she got a new bed for the bedroom floor. Her old one was flat as a pancake and she preferred sleeping on our cloud. I went to Tractor Supply and found her a new one. She is in love with this new bed! Max-4, of course. This is just what I accomplished in the bedroom! I had more plans, of course, but between Thanksgiving and lack of motivation on pretty days outside, I only got as far as getting the hall closet cleaned out and semi-organized. I say semi, because I refolded and washed all the towels, sheets, rags, etc. and organized them, but didn't get to the mass of crafty stuff piled on the bottom two shelves. That is a project day all on it's own. And it entails the spare room, which I am fighting doing. I just need to get in there and go, but every time I get in there, I get annoyed with the piles of randomness and go to a room with a tv. Ha ha!!
Thanksgiving was nice this year. By nice, I mean low stress and very low key. Tyler had to work the day before and the day after Thanksgiving (stupid retail), so he couldn't come down to Clovis. So, we headed up to the Rosa. Since the rest of the fam was visiting Luke in Alaska (jealous), we stayed at their house. So nice to cook in a regular size kitchen! I felt so inspired!!!! Husband made a crock pot duck stew, which was delicious. I made cornbread, green bean casserole (what would a holiday be without that??!!), a chocolate cream pie, and I warmed up some King's Hawaiian rolls! Yum!! Popped open a bottle of cab to go with and happy tummies were to be had. Okay, so I was the only one drinking the cab. Shocking! The rest had mint chocolate milk. Also delish!
Thanksgiving dinner was eaten early, so that Fish, Husband, and I could drive down to the Delta, so Husband could do some hunting Friday morning. I DO NOT do Black Friday, so this was fine with me. The drive there was beautiful. We took the Lakeville Highway to Hwy. 37. I would love to live anywhere along the Lakeville Highway. OMG, that is a pretty place. I picked out several houses to live in. Now to get those folks to sell...ha ha ha!!
The Delta was beautiful as always. I would much rather wake up to this view, than go Black Friday shopping:
So, that's what I did. After the Delta, we headed home and while Husband did a little more duck hunting, I did a few more cleaning projects. I also made a metric f-ton of headbands for this weekend's boutique.
Today is Monday, and I had to go back to work. Not complaining. Just hard to get up at 5:15 and be energized to work. I am, however, energized to start eating better and doing more exercise. Holy cow (emphasis on "cow")!!!! I stepped on the scale and did not like what it said. I weigh 151.4 YIKES!!! I didn't think I was eating that poorly, but then I tallied up the number of Taco Bell, Jack, and Sal's trips we have made lately. Oy. Not good. So, back to counting calories and working out. I got up too late to do anything productive this morning, which made me grumpy. I even steam cleaned the carpet, so I wouldn't be totally grossed out doing planks etc. down there. So, it's running after wrestling practice today. At least the weather is nice!
Light run, light dinner, more water, less wine, okay, no wine. Reduced calories. Not the same craziness I did over summer, but close. I should be in good shape by Christmas.
Okay, off to run, go home and order Christmas presents (it's Cyber Monday! My kind of shopping!), make mas headbands, color the Fish's hair, oooooohhhh, getting tired just typing this! Tomorrow I'll post the bedroom pics and give a sample food plan for the day!
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