Oh my goodness! The ultimate procrastinator (that's me for anyone other than my mother reading this!), managed to get one of the big projects done on my list! Yay me!!!!
Last weekend, Husband went to the Delta to check out the fishing at the Tracy Marina. He and his friend, G, are fishing a tournament there this weekend, and he wanted to see where good spots were. Luckily, he found some good fish on his excursion, as seen below:
6 plus pounds!! Yay!! |
So, while Husband was off catching fatty lunk lunks, I decided to attack the disgusting bathroom as seen in my last post. I had already purchased paint, new towels, new rugs, some towel hooks to replace those lame bars, a basket to hold stuff, and a new light fixture. I wanted to find a floating shelf at a yard sale (Target had some for $40...tooo much!), but my previous efforts did not pan out.
I decided a large Starbucks was in order, so I went. I passed a yard sale sign on my way home and followed it. These people lived in the middle of a country area and I almost cancelled my adventure, since it seemed I was following an endless string of signs. When I ot there, there were two yard sales. The first had nothing of interest, but jackpot at the second!! They had not one, but two (!!!!!!) white floating shelves. How much you say? Five dollars for both? SOLD!! Back home to get started.
The night before, I had washed the walls with TSP. The walls had a lot of mildew on them and there were some weird other stains, that I'm sure had to do with water. There were also 2 spots that I had to patch with wall patching stuff, where the wall was literally crumbling away. A little disturbing, but oh well.
Painting was easy and quick. The room is luckily fairly small and there are few obstacles to getting paint on the walls and ceiling. My arms and shoulders were super tired after, but I got both coats of paint done before noon! I realized that the shower rod was a complete disgusting mess, so while the paint was drying, I went to Walmart and got a new one that required no hardware! Yay!! The only problem, was that the directions were on the back of the label, that would not come off in one piece. In fact, it came off in confetti sized bits and made me a little angry. I got it all figured out though and shower curtain was restored to the tub/shower. Later in the afternoon, I replaced the towel bars (that were ridiculously rusted), and hung the new floating shelf. That was a test of willpower and patience. Willpower to resist the urge to throw the darn thing across the room due to not being able to match up where the holes and the screws were. Ugh!!!!! Finally got it hung with little incident.
Towel hooks installed, so new towels up! New basket filled with wipes and spray! Cute things and decor on the floating shelf (not on my counters anymore) and razor basket cleaned out and on the counter. Toothbrushes now live in the medicine cabinet. I read somewhere that less germs will get on them that way, resulting in less illness in the house. THAT would be nice.
Speaking of illness... The Fish has a nasty case of mono. I have never seen this kid so tired and so sick before. While she can typically sleep for 12 hours, she was sleeping 20 hours! She decided to go to work though, since it is only a 4.5 hour shift. Saturday, she came home and wanted to go to Big Hat Days, which on a busy Saturday afternoon, is a ridiculous maze of people. After warning her that she'd get tired, we went. We had to park in the outer boonies and by the time we got halfway through the first block, she was ready to go home. Home we went. Her boyfriend came over for dinner and they played Wii for a while. He pretty much kicked her butt and then she made him watch 2 Say Yes to the Dresses and we watched Breakfast at Tiffany's. I will be reviewing and commenting on Audrey Hepburn and that movie in a later post! It is one of my all time favorites!! Anyway, I figure the kid either really likes her or felt badly about beating her so badly in Wii that he watched all these girly things! Ha ha!! He's a nice kid.
Okay, so back to the business of the bathroom re-do! Paint-check! Towel hooks-check! New shower curtain bar, rings, and liner-check! Rugs and new towels-check! New mirror? Yes, indeed! Here is where Pinterest came to the rescue! I had seen a post about either bordering an existing mirror with crown molding or replacing the mirror with an old vintage style framed mirror. I chose the latter, as I have had an old antique mirror just collecting dust out in the garage. That got put up Sunday morning and I tried to change out the lighting, but it just didn't look right in the bathroom. Too fancy??? Ha ha!! I opted for spray painting the fixture to match the towel hooks and we are good to go. Here are before and afters:
I have no words. |
The paint looks fresh and I love the mirror!! |
Now for the other side:
You can SEE the rust on the shower curtain rod. EGH!! |
Extra hook to the left there for the towel you actually use! |
And finally:
Small, but functional and cute!! |
Next on the agenda? The little ridiculous bathroom. The plumbing got fixed in there and it is completely functional now!! It is the same original color as this one was. "Dingy Cream" I believe it is called. The tile in there is sort of orangy and I opted for a minty blue to paint there. I had hoped to do that this weekend, but I think fishing is going to trump home re-dos!
I did manage to get the Fish out to Big Hat Days. We went Sunday around 9 am, before people could have spent too much time in the Beer Garden. She made it through both sides of 4 blocks of random craftiness. Then she went to work, after which she collapsed with sheer exhaustion. She finally made it back to school Wednesday.
I celebrated the completion of the bathroom with a lovely gift I received Saturday morning pictured below.
Thanks mom and dad!!
My next post will be dedicated to Audrey Hepburn, my daughter's infatuation with her, and the movie Breakfast at Tiffany';s.